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Every step is one step closer to your goal.

If you’ve ever set a wellness goal for yourself – whether it’s something like going to the gym three days a week, losing weight or stopping a habit like smoking – and struggled, you’re not alone.

Most people struggle to achieve their goals when it comes to wellness, which makes it harder to continue moving forward.

Here’s a thought that can help you work through it: grant yourself some grace.


A mountain with a flag


Focus On the Goal, Not the Stumble

The steps we take to achieve wellness are seldom easy. Habits are hard to break, new ones can be surprisingly hard to form. So, you may stumble on your journey. And guess what? Everybody does, including professional athletes! But you can’t get hung up on that stumble. The change you want to make is worth it, so keep at it!

Maintaining Momentum

Here are some suggestions to help you keep moving forward, no matter what your goal is:



No matter what you’re trying to accomplish or what goal you have in mind, always remember, you may stumble – and that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up over it because you know what you’re trying to accomplish is worthwhile. Keep at it!

You got this!