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The most recent RBC Small Business Poll shows that some of the trends introduced or accelerated during the pandemic are expected to stick around for the long haul.

According to the recent RBC Small Business Poll, the adoption of digital solutions, a focus on wellness and support for local, diverse businesses are among the biggest shifts that took place over the last eighteen months – and are the trends expected to continue long after the pandemic is in the rear-view mirror.

“There’s no doubt that the pandemic created some significant challenges and changes for small business owners. But it also became a catalyst to accelerate some important shifts that we started seeing pre-pandemic around digital adoption, a focus on wellness and support for diverse businesses and community members,” says Don Ludlow, Vice President of Small Business, Partnerships & Strategy, RBC.

While business owners and their customers adapted to trends out of necessity, some shifts clearly make good sense for the long-term health and sustainability of Canadian small businesses, their customers and their communities.