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Sometimes it feels easier to continue our current spending habits instead of getting a handle on our finances.

Sometimes it feels easier to continue our current spending habits instead of getting a handle on our finances. A common question people ask themselves is: Where did all my money go? Most don’t have a clear answer to this question, and this is why we get into trouble.

Imagine your car is making a funny noise. You know something’s wrong, but you’re too busy to get it checked out Maybe if you ignore the noise, it’ll disappear? *Spoiler: It won’t.

It’s the same with your finances. Instead of staying in the dark, it’s better to be fully aware of your financial situation. Identify problem areas before they become serious, and manage your money so that you stay out of debt and save for your future.

That trip you were hoping to take in a few months? To really afford it you may have to cut down your optional expenses. Or rescheduled for next year instead – otherwise you may find yourself in serious debt.

When you know how much you’re spending and where your money is going, you can make informed decisions about your finances and move forward with confidence.