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These water-saving practices can help cut down your water bill, help preserve water tables, and even lower your monthly energy bills.

Here are some simple strategies to help you to save on household water costs, while helping to maintain steady, reliable water tables for years to come.

1. Stop those leaks

Hear a drip? Leaky faucets and showerheads pour money down the drain in water and electricity costs, plus they can waste thousands of litres of water per year – that much water would fill a bathtub over 100 times.

Silent toilet leaks, however, waste even more. Quietly releasing excess water with every flush, undetected toilet leaks could be wasting 20 to 40 litres per hour. That’s enough water to fill a swimming pool every year, per toilet.

Check your toilet flappers, faucets, sprinklers, garden hose and irrigation systems for any leaks.

2. Go for a low-flow toilet flush

30 per cent of domestic water goes towards flushing the toilet.

If your toilet isn’t low-flow already, you can fake it rather than installing an upgrade. Products that reduce the amount of water used with each flush generally fall into three categories: Water displacement, water retention, and alternative flushing.

Your local hardware store can help you find what would work best with your toilet. And a wise word of caution: Avoid placing bricks in your toilet tank, as they can break down over time and cause damage.

3. Turn off the tap

On average, the faucet in your bathroom or kitchen releases 4 to 8 litres of water every minute, so by simply turning the tap off while you brush your teeth, shave, wash your hands, or lather your hair, you can have a considerable impact on your water usage.

4. Choose showers over baths

Opt for a short shower over a bath (and save the long showers for special occasions). A bath can use up to 150 litres of water for every soak, while a five-minute shower uses approximately 75 litres.

5. Recycle water from the tub

If you opt for a bath, you can use the used water (known as “greywater”) from your bath to water your garden and houseplants. Just make sure your soap products don’t contain boron, salt, or chlorine bleach.

Alternatively, collect cool water from a bath or shower in a bucket as you wait for it to warm up and use it for plants or cleaning.

6. Utilize the dishwasher

Less work and fewer greenhouse gases (GHGs)? Sounds like a win-win. Using a dishwasher for all your dishes (assuming it’s a modern, energy-efficient model) costs less money and is more energy-efficient than washing by hand.

That’s because it costs less money to heat up the water, and an energy-efficient dishwasher uses less water overall per load. The trick to even more savings? Skip pre-rinsing dishes and let dishes air-dry instead of using a heated drying cycle.

What if you don’t have a dishwasher at home?

No problem – it’s just a matter of refining your technique. Remember that washing dishes by hand with a running tap produces the highest GHGs of all the methods, so the greenest option of all is the two-basin method of hand-washing: Fill one sink or basin with hot water to soak and scrub your dishes and one sink with cool water to rinse, then let your dishes air dry.

Bonus tip: Heating up water also uses energy

The temperature of your household water use also affects how much energy you use. You might be able to reduce the temperature of your hot water heater — in most cases, the optimal temperature is 49°C (120°F) to prevent harmful bacteria from growing in your tank. Any higher than this, and you risk your water becoming scalding hot, as well as using more energy than you need.

It’s also very effective to run some laundry cycles on the cold water setting. Up to 90 per cent of the energy used to wash clothes goes towards heating the water, which hikes your electricity bills unnecessarily. Plus, many detergents contain enzymes that work best with cold water at 5˚C (40˚F), and a cold-water wash can also reduce the likelihood of your clothes shrinking or the colours fading over time.