“The biggest question many of us have is: What is my future as it applies to work? To help us answer that question, I reached out to Steve Cadigan, one of the foremost authorities on the Future of Work.
Steve is renowned for leading LinkedIn’s talent push from 400-4000 in three and a half years and was responsible for architecting its world-famous company culture. In this interview, Steve offers strategy and insights for all of us in these times of disruption.” — Tony Chapman
The Future of Work has never been more uncertain. Automation, turnover, disengagement and a rapidly diminishing shelf life of skills are all contributing to anxiety and unease about what the future will bring — for both employees and employers.
In this edition of Chatter That Matters, Tony Chapman invites Steve Cadigan to offer his perspective to listeners. Talent strategist, company culture expert and one of the distinguished authorities on the Future of Work, Cadigan is also the author of the recent book Workquake: Embracing the Aftershocks of COVID-19 to Create a Better Model of Working.
While Cadigan acknowledges the dramatic transformation the workforce is undergoing, he feels the conversation has got off on the wrong foot — dialogue around the Future of Work shouldn’t be steeped in fear, but rather framed in optimism and opportunity.
With valuable advice for both employees and employers, Cadigan shares his thoughts on how best to capitalize on the possibilities ahead and embrace the fundamentally different relationship Canadians are developing with work. He explains the importance for employees to always be learning, to network constantly and to make the most of the different choices the pandemic has presented. For employers, he describes the need to care about people over the lifetime of their career — not just when they are working for you.
Yes, the reality of work is disrupted and the future is cloudy. But Cadigan offers important insights and the confidence that there are bright days ahead.
To listen to this show go to chatterthatmatters.ca, or download Chatter that Matters wherever you get your podcasts, or on these stations:
- Newstalk 1010, Toronto
- CFRA 580 Ottawa
- CJAD 800 Montreal
- CJBK 1290 London
- Newstalk 610 St. Catharine’s
- CKLW 800 Windsor
- CKFR 1150 Kelowna
- Fridays at 1 p.m.
- CFAX 1070 AM Victoria
- Fridays at 8 p.m.
- BNN Bloomberg, CFTE 1410 Vancouver
To listen to Tony Chapman’s CHATTER THAT MATTERS Podcast, download Chatter that Matters on I HEART Radio, wherever you get your podcasts, or at: https://chatterthatmatters.ca
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