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Looking for business advice from owners who have been there before you? Here's a roundup of tips, tricks and tools from HGTV Canada's Bryan and Sarah Baeumler.

Bryan Baeumler always had a passion for working with tools, building stuff and fixing things up. Like most entrepreneurs he started small — he was a solo contractor with a shiny van and a healthy work ethic. Thanks to a strong support structure, a lot of hard work and an openness to new opportunities, Bryan and Sarah Baeumler have grown that small business into a North American powerhouse.

With lots of experience under their tool belts, the Baeumlers have shared valuable advice for those looking to start, run, and grow an efficient business. Here’s a roundup of their favourite tips for business success.

Start by Laying a Strong Foundation

Despite how it looks on TV, success doesn’t happen overnight. Bryan and Sarah have experienced highs and lows, and put in a lot of time and effort to build their business. They share how to learn from your (inevitable) mistakes, prepare for downturns, adapt to change, nail your cash flow and more.

A Business Runs on More than Passion

While you may have got into business to nurture a passion, there’s more to running a successful venture than doing what you love most. Discover the Baeumler’s best tips for balancing the work you’re passionate about with those day-to-day tasks you need to take care of to run the business — from creating a routine to outsourcing to getting specialized training.

Take a look at Bryan and Sarah’s advice on how to prioritize passion versus business, multi-task efficiently, and find the right balance when starting out.

Be a Great Boss

Your employees have a huge impact on your business’ success. Setting them up to be their best is therefore essential for your business to thrive. Learn what resources, tools and software is available to organize employee benefits, set fair compensation and ensure their basic needs are met. The Baeumlers also share great tips on how you can make your employees feel invested, motivated and engaged in the success of your company.

Watch how Bryan and Sarah share tips on accessing resources and asking the right questions when it comes to the rules and regulations of hiring employees.

Conquer Your Cash Flow

If your business deals with a long sales cycle, managing cash flow through wide payment intervals can be a challenge. No strangers to cash crunches, the Baeumlers share five ways to manage your cash flow and keep business running smoothly — from taking deposits, introducing incentives for faster payments, negotiating with suppliers, and finding financing solutions that can bridge the gap.

Check out Bryan and Sarah’s tips for accessing the cash you need, when you need it.

Know How to Finance Your Growth

If you’re looking to grow your business, you may find that preparing your company for that next stage is expensive — between the need for new equipment, bigger space, additional employees and more. Here the Baeumlers team up with RBC to share ways you can fund growth, and discuss the pros and cons of bringing on outside investors versus securing financing to cover your next move.

Take a look at Bryan and Sarah’s suggestions for financing the growth of your business, and how to choose the solution that’s right for you.