Inspired Investor: About Us

By the teamJune 1, 2022
Learn more about Inspired Investor and the people who bring it to you.
What’s the secret to being good with money? It’s often as simple as knowing how to make the most of what you have. And the more you know, the more you can confidently map out your financial future – and take control of the present. That’s why we created Inspired Investor.
Backed by a team of creative individuals who draw on their deep journalism roots, Inspired Investor aims to inspire and motivate Canadians to make stronger financial decisions. Our goal is to share informative insights and personal stories, and to break down financial concepts in ways that are easy to understand and apply.
The Inspired Investor team powers a network of sites to support investors of all types – those who like to chart their own course, those who prefer some guidance and investors who want a mix of both. The team also supports the Investing Academy, which offers a wealth of investing insights and how-to resources for investors.
Here’s a bit about the team:

Leigh Felesky, Head, Editorial Content, has worked in digital journalism and client experience for almost two decades, crafting award-winning content programs for large global companies and publishers. A self-confessed news junkie with a fondness for personal stories and “smart charts,” Leigh believes in making investing a way of life.

Judy McKinnon, Managing Editor, has worked in financial journalism for more than 20 years as an editor and writer. Covering everything from management shakeups to corporate axe throwing has helped her hone her skills for the world of investing.

Nicholas Mizera, Producer, Content and Audience, is an award-winning journalist with more than a decade of experience covering news, lifestyle and business. Off the clock, he enjoys gaming, cooking and real-estate talk. He sees investing as a path to securing generational wealth for his family.

Owen Guo, Lead Content Strategist, covered China as a Beijing-based reporter for almost a decade. He’s dodged bandits on a highway, reported from a remote village near the South China Sea and investigated Western deodorant makers’ failed attempts to crack the Chinese market. News is his passion, but reading and ice cream are close runners-up.
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